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President's Message

- Global Innovator for Crop & Life -

Hiroyuki Iwata
President and
Representative Director
As a research and development-oriented company, the basic management philosophy of the Nihon Nohyaku Group is to contribute to the realization of a sustainable society by ensuring a safe and steady food production, and by improving the quality of life for all, taking on challenges to create new value, and committing to be a trustworthy company for all stakeholders.

As interest in solving global issues increases, we have further developed our CSR management, which we have been strengthening, into sustainability management, and established the basic sustainability policy, "Contribution to food, the Environment and Society through Technological Innovation.” Based on the basic philosophy, we will continue to take on the challenge to realize a sustainable society by ensuring a safe and steady food production, and by improving the quality of life for all.

From a medium- to long-term perspective, our vision for the future is "Global Innovator for Crop & Life", and we aim to continuously create Eco-harmonized products, services, and technologies and to achieve carbon neutrality. Toward this goal, we are promoting sustainable management by promoting "business and earnings increase," "creation of new revenue sources," and "strengthening financial base" to achieve sustainable group growth under our new three-year mid-term management plan "Growing Global for Sustainability (GGS)" which will begin in the fiscal year ending March 2025. We are also promoting "advancement of environmental management," "promotion of human rights management," and "strengthening corporate and organizational governance" in order to contribute to sustainable environmental and social contributions.
Since our founding in 1928, we have worked continuously to expand our business scale with crop protection products as our core technology while also engaging in business related to the manufacturing and sales of pharmaceuticals, animal health products, and products related to improvement of  living environment. Moving forward, with emerging countries projected to see further population growth, attention is to be paid to the increased food production necessary to support that growth. Nihon Nohyaku Group is accelerating our global expansion to contribute to increase agricultural productivity not only in Japan, but also around the world. In addition to the direct sales company we operate in the USA, we also operate manufacturing and sales companies in core agricultural markets such as Brazil and India as we aim for global growth by expanding our business areas.

The global crop protection product market is expected to remain a growing market to support the world's ever-increasing population, and we, Nihon Nohyaku Group, will work to improve profitability by accelerating our global expansion, further accelerate our growth strategy, and promote corporate activities that aim for long-term environmental, social, and economic sustainability.
I would like to take this opportunity to ask for your understanding and support of our Group activities and your continued guidance and encouragement.

Hiroyuki Iwata,
President and Representative Director
May 2024