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Diversity,Equity & Inclusion (DE&I)Sustainability
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Diversity,Equity & Inclusion (DE&I)

Basic Approach

Nihon Nohyaku has appointed a “Diversity Promotion Special Mission Team,” with the Human Resources Department serving as the secretariat, to ensure that employees with diverse values (gender, age, nationality, workstyle, sexual orientation, gender identity, etc.) can each demonstrate their capabilities at their full potential. The Special Mission Team plays a central role in diversity training and workplace discussions, which aim to promote understanding and dissemination of the importance of ensuring diversity, and the anticipated effects of doing so.

In addition, we carry out initiatives such as providing training courses for women to further promote their active participation in the workplace, promoting the hiring of foreign nationals, creating a barrier-free environment to eliminate restrictions for persons with disabilities, and taking measures to ensure employment until the age of 70.

Action Plans

To create an environment which ensures that children, who will form the next generation of society, are born and raised in good health, the “Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children” was enacted in 2005, and the “Act on the Promotion of Women's Active Engagement in the Professional Life” (or “Women’s Engagement Promotion Act”) was enacted in 2016. We have formulated and published “Action Plans” based on each of these laws and regulations.

Promoting Female Participation in the Workplace

As part of our efforts to promote female participation in the company, we are advancing the appointment of female employees to the positions of General Manager and Chief Manager.
While the ratio of female managers was 2.0% in April 2011, this ratio has increased to 8.4% in March 2023 as a result of our efforts to promote a change in the mindset of male managers toward promoting the active participation of women, in addition to training and motivating female employees to become managers.

We have set targets to reach a ratio of female managers of 13% in April 2024 and 22% in April 2030. Furthermore, we will maintain the ratio of women hired for full-time positions at 30%, with the aim of improving the ratio of female employees.

仕事と家庭、両立しよう! 両立支援のひろば


Employment of Persons with Disabilities

Nihon Nohyaku currently employs seven persons with disabilities, which represents an employment rate of 1.67%. Since this is below the 2.3% legally mandated percentage of employees with disabilities, we will continue activities to recruit those with disabilities and work to create a workplace environment where they can work with peace of mind.

Appointment of Non-Japanese Colleagues

We are taking steps to realize the Group Vision, “Nichino Group - Growing Global.” Specifically, we have already appointed non-Japanese Presidents from overseas Group companies as Executive Officers of Nihon Nohyaku in 2011 and 2021. We will continue to actively recruit foreign nationals and appoint them to managerial positions to develop human resources with the qualities of an officer. 

Mid-Career Recruits

Based on the belief that “innovation arises from diversity,” we actively recruit human resources who have garnered experience at other companies. Around one-third of our employees are mid-career recruits, and the ratio among executives and managers is approximately the same. We will continue to conduct mid-career recruits, hiring personnel such as executive managers, researchers with advanced skills in specific fields, experts in new fields for our business expansion, and DX specialists. As of the end of March 2023, the ratio of mid-career recruits among all employees of Nihon Nohyaku was 33.6%.

Senior Employees

We have established a senior employee system that allows employees to continue working at Nihon Nohyaku even after retirement. As of the end of March 2023, there were 48 senior employees.

Difference in Wages between Male and Female Employees (Percentage of Women’s Wages Compared to Men’s)

Overall Full-time employees Non-regular employees
74.9% 83.1% 65.4%