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Sustainability Site Map


History of Activities

The Nihon Nohyaku Group is deeply involved in the safe production and stable supply of food, with a primary focus on the agrochemical business. The businesses we operate are closely interrelated with the concepts of SDGs and CSR, which aim to achieve both sustainable economic growth and environmental conservation through a wide range of technological innovations in crop protection. They can address food problems related to population explosion and climate change, promote environmentally friendly practices in crop production, and contribute to coexistence with the natural environment.

In 2015, the United Nations adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the SDG Compass — a guide for companies to align their actions with the SDGs. Since then, companies have been expected to undertake initiatives that contribute to society in consideration of all stakeholders.
In response to such changes in the social landscape, we began considering how to systematically and effectively practice CSR management, adopting it as a management issue in our medium-term management plan, EGG2.

Selection of Priority Issues (Materiality)

To select material issues, we first comprehensively identified CSR-related subjects and issues, and then created a comparison table based on the seven core subjects of the ISO26000 global CSR guidelines (Step 1). Next, we grouped like items and reanalyzed them in accordance with their importance to corporate management and stakeholders (Step 2). Based on the results, we selected seven material issues we refer to as “Seven Priority Issues.” Then, after gradual discussions by the CSR-WG and CSR Committee and approval by the Board of Directors, we finalized the Seven Priority Issues. In addition, we established the “Ideal business model for 2030” and the key tasks and targets (KGI/KPI) for the EGG2 medium-term management plan (2021-2023) at the same time (Step 3).


Employee Awareness-raising Activities

We selected material issues, established specific tasks, and set targets to visualize the CSR activities of the Nihon Nohyaku Group based on the management plan. They also enabled management and employees to promote CSR together and to share information with stakeholders. The CSR Promotion Department distributes CSR questionnaires to employees to instill CSR in them and ascertain the status of CSR activities. It also works continuously to raise awareness on CSR activities through e-learning courses and communicating SDGs initiatives to Group companies.

Results of Key Activities for FY2022

The following table indicates the level of achievement of the major initiatives of the Seven Priority Sustainability Issues in FY2022. Progress went smoothly overall, particularly for projects with KGI/KPIs to be achieved by the end of FY2023, the final year of the EGG2 medium-term management plan. Relevant working groups and other teams moved forward with systematic activities in cooperation with key departments in accordance with the activity policy of the CSR Promotion Department.

Level of Achievement of Seven Priority Sustainability Issues and Key Initiatives in the Current Medium-Term Management Plan (FY2022)

Level of Achievement of Seven Priority Sustainability Issues and Key Initiatives in the Current Medium-Term Management Plan (FY2022)
Level of Achievement of Seven Priority Issues and Key Initiatives in the Current Medium-Term Management Plan (FY2022)