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Human Resources ManagementSustainability
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Human Resources Management

Human Resources Strategy

The Nihon Nohyaku Group positions human resources as “human assets” in its business activities, based on the idea that employees are the most important management capital in business activities. We believe that emphasizing diversity, where human resources with different experiences, skills, and attributes can play an active role, and where diverse perspectives and values exist, will lead to sustainable growth. Therefore, we work to maintain and utilize diversity, through efforts such as encouraging the active participation of women. In order to expand our business globally and strengthen our competitiveness as an R&D-driven company, we recruit and promote to managerial positions a diverse range of human resources, including women, foreign nationals and mid-career hires. Furthermore, we work to improve the work environment and reform the corporate culture so that each employee can utilize their individuality and capabilities, and implement a work style that aligns with their individual values.

Basic Approach

Combining the wisdom of specialists with advanced expertise in a wide range of areas including chemistry, biology, and safety, is essential for R&D in our core business of agrochemicals. Furthermore, in the fields that drive product manufacturing, sales, and management strategies, it is important to create an environment and system in which many professionals can collaborate and carry out their work. Thus, we are focusing efforts on recruiting and developing human resources that can and will contribute to the achievement of our Group Vision.

Recruiting of Human Resources

Nihon Nohyaku continues to recruit new graduates every year. There were 11 new graduates recruited in April 2023. In addition, based on the belief that “innovation arises from diversity,” we actively recruit human resources who have garnered experience at other companies, regardless of the industry. In FY2022, there were two mid-career hires who were recruited as full-time employees.

Personnel System

The human resources we seek are those who can and will contribute to improving our Group’s business value over the medium to long term. Specifically, we have formulated the “Nichino Human Resources Values” to describe the type of personnel we seek and the qualifications they should have. Additionally, we plan to reform our personnel system to provide higher compensation to human resources who have the ideal characteristics that we seek. We will continue to operate the system fairly, in order to ensure that all employees can work with enthusiasm and zeal, and always have smiles on their faces.

1. Wage System
Since we abolished age-based wages and lifestyle-related allowances, we put a wage system in place that provides a high basic wage as compensation for labor.

2. Personnel Appraisal System
In order to encourage employees to take on challenges, we have set “topics for medium- to long-term challenges” for all employees in our personnel appraisal system, creating a system that makes it easier for them to take on more advanced work beyond their normal tasks. We have also established a value appraisal system to evaluate whether employees embody the ideal characteristics that we seek.

Education and Training

We provide individualized training according to each employee’s level. In FY2022, the training time per full-time employee was 6.6 hours. We also provide support for employees’ self-development through initiatives such as correspondence courses.

Development of Global Human Resources

To realize our Group Vision of “Nichino Group-Growing Global,” we plan to formulate a succession plan to systematically develop global talent who will play a central role in management. Moreover, to develop global human resources, we second young employees to overseas Group companies and dispatch researchers to overseas research institutes. As of March 2023, eleven employees are assigned to locations outside Japan.