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Raw Material and Product ManagementSustainability
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Raw Material and Product Management

Quality Assurance and Management

Quality Assurance and Management

Nihon Nohyaku works to ensure product quality and safety in every stage of the value chain, from R&D through manufacturing, sales, logistics, use, and final consumption, to the disposal and recycling, based on our basic policy for Responsible Care.

Product quality is handled by two departments: the Environment Safety & Quality Assurance Department, which handles quality assurance, and the Production Division, which handles quality control. We carefully deliberate with Nichino Service Co., Ltd., the Nihon Nohyaku Group’s manufacturing company, to manage quality with a focus on their maintenance and improvement.

In our production process for active ingredients, we practice quality management that applies GMP management methods (production management and quality management standards for pharmaceuticals).

The Environment Safety & Quality Assurance Department conducts audits on contract manufacturers outside the Nihon Nohyaku Group from an independent standpoint to ensure they correctly practice quality management.

We conduct risk management for product liability (PL*) to prevent issues. In addition, we visualize the status of responses to complaints received in relation to our products with an internal database to promote rapid and accurate response.
* Product Liability


Nihon Nohyaku’s Quality Management System

Management of Material and Product Safety Information

The Nihon Nohyaku Group creates Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) for agrochemicals, samples for testing and research purposes, and so on to ensure the safe handling of chemical substances and prevent injuries and accidents. We also display information about agrochemical products on the corporate website. In FY2022, we focused efforts on revising the SDSs of each item to comply with the revised Act on the Assessment of Releases of Specified Chemical Substances in the Environment and the Promotion of Management Improvement that went into effect on April 1, 2023.

We have also built an SDS library on the company intranet to enable plants and offices to view SDSs when needed — including SDSs of raw materials and products. Chemical substance laws of other countries and regions such as the EU, South Korea, China, and the USA require GHS compliance*1. Therefore, we continuously revise SDSs for the EU to comply with REACH*2 based on the latest CLP rules*3 in cooperation with Group companies outside Japan, and globalize our chemical substance safety information management practices to comply with other countries’ laws and regulations.

*1  Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals
*2  Regulation on Classification, Labelling and Packaging of substances and mixtures established by the EU (incorporates GHS-based classification method). Labels and SDSs of products such as chemical substances distributed in Europe must comply with CLP rules.
*3  Registration, Evaluation, Authorization, and Restriction of Chemicals scheme in Europe

What is GHS?