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Occupational Safety & Health, Process Safety & Disaster PreventionSustainability
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Occupational Safety & Health, Process Safety & Disaster Prevention

Global Zero Accidents

As part of their Responsible Care activities, our Group companies in Japan work toward the goal of achieving zero occupational/commuting accidents and serious equipment-related accidents through the Occupational Safety & Health and Process Safety & Disaster Prevention Code.
Regular safety and health committee meetings are held at all sites, regardless of whether they are offices, laboratories, or other facility, and efforts are focused on preventing accidents through the sharing of danger information, such as reports about “near misses*1” and “anticipatory near misses*2”.Furthermore, all company vehicles are equipped with dashboard cameras, and ratings of driving by insurance companies are utilized to raise awareness about safe driving.

*1  A frightening experience where someone almost got injured.
*2 Anticipating a frightening event before it happens.

Group companies that have manufacturing sites outside Japan work toward achieving zero accidents through efforts such as utilizing ISO45001 (Occupational Safety & Health Management System). We plan to continue expanding Responsible Care activities outside Japan so that the entire Nihon Nohyaku Group works together to carry out occupational safety & health and process safety & disaster prevention initiatives through Responsible Care activities.

Global Occupational Safety Audit System

The Environment Safety & Quality Assurance Department conducted (twice in total) on-site and written audits of overall Responsible Care activities, including occupational safety and health, at all Nihon Nohyaku Group plants and offices in Japan to enhance monitoring and check-and-balance functions.
Each office promotes initiatives aimed at zero accidents, and in the event of an accident, we investigate the cause and formulate and carry out measures to prevent recurrence. When necessary, we apply the measures to other offices and worksites. Audits consist of confirming whether there have been accidents at worksites and providing instruction on improving the safety of offices’ activities.
Going forward, we plan to develop a global audit system based on Responsible Care and ISO methods to audit offices in the Group outside Japan.

Avoiding and Eliminating Accidents in the Research Stage and on the Production Sites

To implement a high level of safety management for research activities at the Nihon Nohyaku Group’s research sites, we continuously encourage employees to acquire national qualifications, such as hazardous materials handler qualifications, to increase the number of qualified personnel.
We also conduct safety activities with an emphasis on avoiding accidents through Kiken Yochi (risk prediction) activities, risk assessment, safety education, and safety patrols led by sites’ safety and health committees. Realizing that accidents that occur at other offices could also happen at research facilities, we carry out safety activities from a wide range of approaches, including workplace discussions on risk assessment based on actual accidents that occurred at other offices.
In addition to day-to-day safety management, we also confirm the safety of researchers and their environment, and work on multidimensional product safety research from the early stages. We also continuously engage in efforts to prevent accidents and other problems by creating internal rules for testing as necessary and conducting voluntary audits (e.g., audit for small-scale field testing).

Moreover, all production sites have acquired ISO45001 and promote safety activities and equipment maintenance using an Occupational Safety & Health Management System. Nichino Service carries out risk assessment on a 5-stage scale, and with a company policy to eliminate level 3 or higher risks, it works to reduce risks by reviewing work procedures and improving equipment based on the results of assessment.
To prevent worker health damage, fire or explosions, and other accidents related to chemical substances, we have outlined “Work Management Standards for Handling Chemical Substances” and manage chemical substances by voluntarily establishing Acceptable Operator Exposure Limits for each substance we handle. We have also started deliberations on developing an automated and robotic smart factory that considers not only production efficiency but also safety.

We plan to carry out initiatives to prevent and eliminate accidents by conducting regular inspections and audits at each of our overseas production sites.