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Initiatives for Human RightsSustainability
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Initiatives for Human Rights

Basic Approach

The Nihon Nohyaku Group positions respect for human rights as one of the most important management issues for business continuity. Accordingly, we engage in group-wide efforts to eliminate serious human rights violations, including unfair discrimination, harassment, child labor, and forced labor. 

Nichino Group Human Rights Policy

In accordance with international norms such as the United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and the 10 Principles of the Global Compact, we have  established the Nichino Group Human Rights Policy. 

Human Rights Management Promotion System

The Group has set “expansion of human rights management” as a priority Sustainability issue, and established the Human Rights Subcommittee as an advisory body to the Sustainability Committee (Chairperson: General Manager of the Human Resources Dept.).

Main Initiatives

1. Formulation of Human Rights Policies
The Group aims to ensure that the human rights of stakeholders are secured in all our business activities. Therefore, we are working to formulate human rights policies that complement the Nihon Nohyaku Group Basic Human Rights Policy.

2. Human Rights Due Diligence
With the aim of promoting human rights management in our business activities, the Nihon Nohyaku Group drives initiatives to conduct human rights due diligence that complies with the United Nations’ “Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.”

1) Identification, prevention and mitigation of negative impacts on business and human rights (human rights violation risk)
We identify risks of human rights violations from internal documents related to risk management activities and government documents related to business and human rights. If a negative impact on human rights resulting from the business activities of the Nihon Nohyaku Group is identified, we will hold discussions with relevant stakeholders and take appropriate corrective measures.

2) Implementation of education and training
The Group conducts awareness-raising activities for employees to ensure that they understand the importance of human rights management and that the Basic Human Rights Policy is put into practice. Specifically, we encourage employees to attend external seminars related to human rights management, conduct compliance training twice a year, send a monthly newsletter on compliance to all employees, and other initiatives.

3) Development of internal environment and systems
We will maintain a work environment that is free from long working hours, discrimination, and prejudice, which are all factors that pose the risk of human rights violation, and operate our personnel system fairly.

4) Securing human rights through supply chain management
From the perspective of preventing procurement risk, we comprehensively promote human rights-related initiatives throughout the entire supply chain.

3. Relief Mechanisms
Nihon Nohyaku and our domestic Group companies have established an internal reporting system for employees. Additionally, our major overseas Group companies have also established internal reporting systems.

4. Legal Compliance
The Group complies with the laws and regulations of each country and region in which we conduct business activities. When there is a conflict between internationally recognized human rights and the laws of each country or region, we will respect the principles of international human rights.

5. Dialogue with Stakeholders
In implementing this policy, the Group engages in dialogue and consultation with all stakeholders, including customers.

6. Information Disclosure
The Group conducts appropriate information disclosure regarding our human rights management initiatives.